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Click Aquí y conoce el mejor método para aprender inglés de forma autodidacta. Comprobado!Es Sencillo y divertido sin complicadas reglas gramaticales.

Pronunciación Perfecta

En inglés hay muchos sonidos similares. Con esta herramienta lograrás diferenciarlos y obtener una pronunciación perfecta de manera rápida y sencilla. Conócela Aquí

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sábado, 31 de marzo de 2012

Sonidos del Inglés, (AUDIO)

Hi there,

De vuelta por aquí, en esta ocasión, les traigo los sonidos del inglés con audio. Sólo den click en el reproductor y empezarán a escuchar los sonidos como se deben pronunciar correctamente.

Aquí les dejo (otra vez) la imagen de la tabla de sonidos completa.

Y aquí está el audio:

Este es un curso de inglés gratis, si te ha gustado, deja un comentario, subscríbete al blog, o recomiéndalo. Es la mejor manera de decir "gracias"

Read you later!

Emmnl Oblong.

lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012

Pronunciación - 4ta parte [ Schwa ]

Hey there!

Este post está dedicado únicamente a un sonido. Este sonido es muy importante para lograr una pronunciación correcta del inglés así que les recomiendo poner mucha atención y practicar su pronunciación en voz alta durante este post.

Antes de comenzar voy a poner las respuestas al ejercicio del post anterior.

Ejercicio: Pronunciación - 3ra parte.
   1. that | 2. three | 3. sir | 4. this | 5. these
   6. third | 7. war | 8. week | 9. rock | 10. thin

Ahora sí. Este post está dedicado a un sonido al que conocemos formalmente como "Schwa", y es el sonido de la imagen siguiente:

Pronunciación - 3ra parte

Ok, finalmente está aquí la tercera parte de los posts sobre los sonidos del inglés.

Las partes anteriores fueron largas quizás pero sencillas. Antes que nada, te recomiendo empezar repasando todos los sonidos que has aprendido: Aquí está la tabla de sonidos para que los puedas repasar:

domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012

Cho-co-leit !!?? WRONG

Ok, I know, it's been a while since my last update, but here it is -finally.

This time the post is dedicated to intermediate to advanced learners, and it is a pronunciation tip for words, like chocolate, that we normally pronounce wrong. PLEASE (!) DO NOT PRONOUNCE CHO-CO-LEIT.

First of all NEVER use this kind of pronunciation guides. They're absolutelly wrong. You don't pronounce "jaguar you" or "jaus". I mean, it's not German. Sounds must be much softer and this and there are many sounds whici we can't pronounce in Spanish. This is why I provide this pronunciation tool, where I list all the phonems of English with examples of words which use the correct pronunciation.

Ok. Now... I don't want to make this too gramatical, but I will mention some grammar rules though. Anyway, I'll try to make this the simpler I can.

WARNING: This is not a rule, and it musn't be listed as such. It is a standard, but there are plenty of exceptions.

Ok, now, just answer to yourself: what is the pronunciation of the word "chocolate"? If your answer is "cho-co-leit" you are absolutelly........ WRONG!

The deal is very simple.

I will tell you a couple of sounds which I need you to pay a lot of attention to.

This is the sound we use for words like late, cake, plate, ate (past of eat), play, say, etc. and the other sound is:
which is the sound of words like it (remember the song -veeery ugly song- "that's the way aha aha I like it" they don't say I like eat. Another example is Michael Jackson's song "Beat it" in this song it's very easy to note the difference, it's soft, not stressed. When you stress it, you must make a face like you're smiling. Beat which uses this sound  is stressed, it is not. Other examples are kit, kid, kick, sing, NOT SEE, EAT, KEEP, etc... remember, it must be soft.

Ok, with this basis settled we can start with the explanation.

Chocolate uses the same pronunciation of this sound in the end. Yes, that's right. It's pronunciation is the same as in the song "Beat IT" not stressed, and not like the action "to eat" in past "ATE". Get it?

The reason is simple: Chocolate is not an action (Verb)

The standard then would be explained as follows:

Actions finishing in -ate must be pronounced 
All other words (descriptions [adjectives or adverbs], names or concepts [nouns]) must be pronounced as(yes, like the song)

The same happens when you pronounce words like delicate, indicate, dedicate, etc.

She's a very delicate girl. (Not an action) 
I dedicate this song to you. (Action) 
He's a dedicate father. (Not an action)
I will indicate the instructions to be followed. (Action) 

So: How do you pronounce both of the following lines?

1. Waiter, can you separate our bills, please?
2. Waiter, can you give us separate bills, please?

Read you later!

Emmnl Oblong.

martes, 13 de marzo de 2012

Social Media

Ok, we are now in Facebook, Twitter and Google +. So now you can follow our updates in social media, soon we'll be in you tube too!

Here are the links: Just click on the image.

Facebook: /practicatuingles          twitter@tuinglesblog          G+: Aprende Inglés ONLINE

By the way, this symbol @ is read "AT" my e mail is this should be read like this: eoblong at gmail dot com.

Please add us to your sites and share this blog. The best way to say thank you is by sharing this with others and subscribing to the blog!


Read you later!

Emmnl Oblong.

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

Written Slang - 01

Hey there!

So, I've been posting only lessons for beginners but, what about intermediate learners? therefore, I'm here typing this post for all of you intermediate and semi advanced learners about written slang!

First of all, do you know what slang is? if the answer is no, here's the explanation.

A slang is an informal word or expression, commonly used in everyday English. A slang may be a word that formally has a different meaning but in an informal conversation, depending on the context it takes another sense. But it also maybe a word that "doesn't" exist in formal or "grammatically accepted" English.

Here I will list some of the most common written slangs and abreviation. I want to start by this because it is very common to see these words in blogs, facebook, twitter and even magazines and many -believe me- many times, people don't understand them.

OMG - Oh My God.
I dunno - I don't know
brb - I'll be right back (I'll come back quickly)
lol - Laugh out Loud (this one is very common, I bet you've seen it, you know the meaning but maybe you don't know why) It means that something is very very funny and you laugh aloud, you go like (jaaaaaaaaaaajajajajajaaaaaa)
C U / c ya - See you.
How r u - How are you.
y? - Why?
B.Y.O.B / B.Y.O.W. - This is commonly used in invitations to parties. It means Bring your own bottle / bring your own wine.

All right, these are some of the most commonly written shortened words used in msn, facebook, texting, twitter, etc. But here's an explanation of some more that are very commonly used in everyday English, and some intermediate students might not undestand, either meaning or reason, yet.

gonna - Going to
gotta - Have to (obligation) I have to go = I gotta go / I've got to go
Time ago, the right way to say the word have was have got, just like that, complete, for everything, either obligation or possession. eg. Now: I have a car | before: I have got a car. || Now: I have to work | before: I have got to work. Little by little the word had changes, since the contraction for I have (Present perfect tense only) is I've eg. I have been to Washington twice - I've been to Washington twice. Informally they began to use this contraction everytime they used it. I have got to work - I've got to work - I've gotta work - I gotta work.
wanna - Want to
gotcha - Got you (I got you! = I gotcha!)

There are many other words like this in English. But they will be posted little by little. If I meant to make a complete list of slang on this post I would never finish it!

Read you later!
Emmnl Oblong.

miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012

Free Ads for Teachers

All ads (for teachers only) are free. 

My intention is to create a net able to gather both teachers and students. The worlds situation is not goog -I'm sure you can all witness that with me- and we need to join efforts to help each other improve his / her situation. This is the main reason for which I am doing this site (a filosophical thought maybe) and if I can spread this filosophy and make more and more people think this way in the end, well, I'll feel very pleased and I'll feel like I've accomplished my mission.

So, if you are an English teacher and you'd like to place an ad on this site in the teachers section, all you have to do is send me an email to with the following information:

Especialidades: (If you do -or teach- other than English; e.g. Translations / TOEFL preparation / Grammar / Am or Br En, etc.)
Comentario: (A comment about your teaching system, your experience, etc.) VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: If the comment is too long or it has spelling mistakes I will disregard it.
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You can also send your photo if you like.
Please write the ad in Spanish.

The ads will remain on the site for a reasonable period of time... say, a month. You can always re-publish your ad if you like, just let me know with another mail.

As I mentioned before, the ads are absolutely free by now (I might eventyally place a paypal button for voluntary donations) but in the meanwhile I would really appreciate if you'd like to contribute with this project.  How can you do that? Well, you can be part of the writers team or if you don't want to, you can always recommend everyone you know to visit this site and subscribe to it. It doesn't take long and there's plenty of manners to do so (facebook, twitter, google +, etc.)

Please recommend the site, and subscribe to it, that's also of much help.

Read you later!

Emmnl Oblong.

viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012

Pronunciación - 2da parte

Hey you all!

Este post es la continuación al aprendizaje de la tabla de sonidos. 
Aquí están las respuestas al ejercicio del post anterior.

1. Light | 2. Time | 3. Mine | 4. Note | 5. Tone 
6. Same | 7. Pain | 8. Zone | 9. Late | 10. Mate (as in classmate)

Aquí está la tabla de sonidos para descargar. (da click en la imagen)

jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012

Pronunciación - 1ra parte

Hey you all!

En este post hay una guía rápida acerca de la pronunciación de algunos de los sonidos del inglés. Para no hacer el post aburrido, no subiré todos los sonidos en esta ocasión. Esta guía está basada en la tabla de sonidos que te mostré en el post anterior.
Posteriormente subiré un video en youtube con la pronunciación correcta de cada sonido, para que también los puedas escuchar. Mientras tanto, aquí están los primeros sonidos que vamos a aprender:

Esta es la imagen de la tabla de sonidos que te menciono. (click para descargar)


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