All ads (for teachers only) are free.
My intention is to create a net able to gather both teachers and students. The worlds situation is not goog -I'm sure you can all witness that with me- and we need to join efforts to help each other improve his / her situation. This is the main reason for which I am doing this site (a filosophical thought maybe) and if I can spread this filosophy and make more and more people think this way in the end, well, I'll feel very pleased and I'll feel like I've accomplished my mission.
So, if you are an English teacher and you'd like to place an ad on this site in the teachers section, all you have to do is send me an email to with the following information:
Especialidades: (If you do -or teach- other than English; e.g. Translations / TOEFL preparation / Grammar / Am or Br En, etc.)
Comentario: (A comment about your teaching system, your experience, etc.) VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: If the comment is too long or it has spelling mistakes I will disregard it.
Ciudad: (Write the city or cities where you teach if you teach personal class or specify if you teach by internet.)
Tarifa: (Your rate per hour or month or course.)
Contacto: (Your phone number, e-mail or any other way to get in touch with you.)Please write the ad in Spanish.
You can also send your photo if you like.
The ads will remain on the site for a reasonable period of time... say, a month. You can always re-publish your ad if you like, just let me know with another mail.
As I mentioned before, the ads are absolutely free by now (I might eventyally place a paypal button for voluntary donations) but in the meanwhile I would really appreciate if you'd like to contribute with this project. How can you do that? Well, you can be part of the writers team or if you don't want to, you can always recommend everyone you know to visit this site and subscribe to it. It doesn't take long and there's plenty of manners to do so (facebook, twitter, google +, etc.)
Please recommend the site, and subscribe to it, that's also of much help.
Read you later!
Emmnl Oblong.
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