
bla bla bla

viernes, 20 de abril de 2012

Takako's great Adventure - Episode 01

Hey there!

Now I'm coming with a very helpful and interesting story named Takako's great adventure. It's a story about a girl named Takako, who is traveling to meet a girl in a different country. It sounds simple but during the trip, many interesting and amazing things happen to her.

This is the first episode out of a total of 10. It is intended for you to practice your English listening skills.

In the next post about TGA (Takako's Great Adventure) I will upload a file with the script of this chapter and in this post, I will publish some vocabulary that you will need to be able to understand it better.

As you all must know, I don't believe translation is the best way to learn English. So I will try to give the simplest possible explanation for the vocabulary and in many cases I will put a picture next to the word, so that you can understand it easier.

Try to understand the meaning of the words without translating. For pronunciation references, consult the posts in the pronunciation section of this blog.

Here is the file to listen:

Here's the vocabulary for this chapter.

Landing: When the plane comes down to the ground. Figure # 1.
Fasten: To close || To secure || To immobilize. Figure # 2.
Upright (position): Straight in vertical position. Figure # 3.
Dotting: That looks like dots. || DOT is this symbol ( . ) [Like a point]
Pen-pal: A friend by correspondence, email, letters.
Baggage: Bags when you travel. Luggage.
Customs: The official department that administers and collects the duties levied by a government on imported goods.
Drizzle: Light rain.
Trudge: To walk with difficulty.
Dodge: To avoid touching something. || to avoid being hit by something. eg. When somebody throws a ball to you, you move to dodge it.
Hike: A long walk or walking tour.
Banter: A fiendly conversation with jokes.
Buckle up your seatbelt: Figure # 2.

Get by: To manage with difficulty. eg. I have a problem but I'll do what I can to get by.
At last: Finally.
Didn't mind: didn't pay attention || didn't care || didn't give importance.
Jet lag: To have jet lag, is to be tired after a long plane trip.

Read you later!
Emmnl Oblong.

Thanks to:
Takako's Great Adventure is copyright © by Brian Rhodes

2 comentarios:

Muy interesante su artículo sobre la enseñanza del inglés.
Nosotros proponemos un concurso de actividades en el que los profesores pueden participar a través de esta web: Sus propuestas son bienvenidas y pueden ser premiadas.

Excelente página, necesito escuchar para mejorar mi recepción, ademas de buscar donde practicar el ingles.

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